Sunday Apr 30, 2023
Sermon | ”Who’s Your Shepherd?” | April 30
Sunday Apr 30, 2023
Sunday Apr 30, 2023
There are lots of voices competing for our attention and a lot of messages coming at us. Some are from friends, others from foes. Some build us up, others tear us down. Some come in digitally, others in person. Some come from outside us, others come from our own minds. In the midst of all that, we have a shepherd that is also speaking...aiming to protect us and trying to lead us to "life to the fullest". Do you hear his voice? Do you know what it sounds like? Do you let him shepherd you?
Sunday Apr 23, 2023
Sermon | ”The Recipe for Faith” | April 23
Sunday Apr 23, 2023
Sunday Apr 23, 2023
In some ways, faith in Jesus seems so simple. When you believe you believe. But what about those who don't? How can they get there? What does it take? How can we help? Is there a recipe for belief? Indeed there is, but it's still not that simple. Sometimes it seems to flop. Where should we turn then? What do we do when it's our loved ones who still don't yet believe? Luke's account, of the raised-from-the-dead Son of God, meeting some travelers along the road helps open our eyes to where we can start.
Sunday Apr 16, 2023
Sermon | ”That You May Have Life” | April 16
Sunday Apr 16, 2023
Sunday Apr 16, 2023
Easter Sunday is a BIG DAY: the day of the resurrection, the day the grave is empty, the day Jesus keeps His promise. But, too many people only celebrate Easter on that one day. Yet, the resurrected Lord Jesus spent days on earth before He ascended to the Father's right hand. And in these "in-between" days, the resurrection truth is delivered more personally to the eleven, to Thomas, to disciples walking the road to Emmaus, and to you and me. These "in-between" days are a reminder that Jesus' resurrection power changes not only our eternities, but our every day. That is Easter...continued.
Sunday Apr 09, 2023
Easter Sermon | ”Passionate Joy” | April 9
Sunday Apr 09, 2023
Sunday Apr 09, 2023
The morning did not go as planned: hurrying quickly to the tomb, the women had hoped to anoint Jesus' body...only to find an angelic presence, whose appearance was radiant, telling stories of an empty tomb. Jesus was raised from the dead! This changes everything...it changes every thing. They came to find a crucified rabbi and found a risen King! Joy flooded their hearts as they quickly returned to tell others the GOOD NEWS. Incredible sadness has been replaced by passionate JOY.
Friday Apr 07, 2023
Good Friday Sermon | ”Friday Night Passion” | April 7
Friday Apr 07, 2023
Friday Apr 07, 2023
The feelings that come along with Good Friday are certainly deep. Yet, are they more sad or success? As you sit with them, do you suffer or celebrate? Tonight we walk with Jesus...look through His eyes...hear His last words. But can you not only look and hear, but also see what He sees? See why He's so passionate about enduring this passion, this suffering?
Friday Apr 07, 2023
Maundy Thursday Sermon | ”Passionate Obedience” | April 6
Friday Apr 07, 2023
Friday Apr 07, 2023
In the celebration of Holy Week, Maundy Thursday is probably the least celebrated - rightly so, Good Friday and Easter Sunday seem to have the bulk of focus. But the events of Maundy Thursday are a testimony to life in the kingdom as Jesus washes feet, serves supper and willingly gives Himself over to the religious leaders. It's here, in a garden, where Jesus will passionately obey. It's here, in a garden, where Jesus will live in full and utter trust of the Father's plan. It's here, in a garden, we see His passion.
Sunday Apr 02, 2023
Sermon | ”Passionate Praise, and Then...” | April 2
Sunday Apr 02, 2023
Sunday Apr 02, 2023
Let the roller coaster day begin...Palm Sunday is far more than Jesus on a donkey with an informal palm parade. That's just the beginning! The passion here moves from praise on the road, to determined frustration in the temple, to joy in those healed, to celebration by the children, to indignant confusion among the chief priests, to a mic drop from Jesus. There is passionate energy in every direction and good news of Jesus' mission and purpose is the catalyst of it all. Follow the feelings, and you'll experience the good news.
Sunday Mar 26, 2023
Sermon | ”Power” | March 26
Sunday Mar 26, 2023
Sunday Mar 26, 2023
The nineteenth century English Historian, Lord Acton, famously wrote, "Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts absolutely." His point is well taken: as one gains power, their moral compass becomes dysfunctional. In what was a stunning night of intimacy, encouragement and empowerment, the disciples are radically challenged to think of power differently than the world. No doubt, their own lofty dreams of power and authority in the coming Kingdom of Christ were on the rise. No doubt their heads were filled with ways they'd be able to flex their power and authority over the Romans...and maybe even their own people. But, Jesus is quite clear: if you want to live well, you have to die to power.
Sunday Mar 19, 2023
Sermon | ”Individual Autonomy” | March 19
Sunday Mar 19, 2023
Sunday Mar 19, 2023
Very few things ruffle the proverbial feathers of Americans (even American Christians) as much as questioning individual autonomy. One often hears phrases like "These are my decisions and choices...and as long as they don't hurt anyone...then it's fine." But is it? Do our choices and behaviors affect others? Should we care? Life in the Kingdom of Christ, is a life of interdependence; the church is the body of Christ, after all. Christ's people are intimately connected. So, if we want to live well, we have to die to individual autonomy.
Sunday Mar 12, 2023
Sermon | ”Past & Present” | March 12
Sunday Mar 12, 2023
Sunday Mar 12, 2023
Someone once said, 'we can't change the past nor craft the future. We can only live in the present.' Yet, far too many people are stuck in the past, imprisoned by choices, behaviors, and words that can't be taken back. Far too many people are defining themselves by their past. When Jesus encounters a woman in the midday sun drawing water - isolated from the other women of her community - he encounters a woman who's whole life is being defined by her past. Jesus offers a new way forward, a water that will spring up in her, a healing of her past - so that she can live in the present, defined only by Jesus. If we want to live well, we must allow our past to be put to death.